THE PROJECT JUSTINE – train the trainer stands for the in-depth training of trainers in the tailoring trade and the creation of long-term jobs. Starting with our own education and vocational center in Benin, we are increasingly working with other countries in West Africa. The reconstruction of an independent and sustainable textile sector with clothing, fabrics and yarns MADE IN AFRICA will play an important role for the region in the coming years. To get people into good work and let African design shine again in all its originality, craftsmanship and cultural richness.
THE PROJECT JUSTINE – train the trainer stands for the in-depth training of trainers in the tailoring trade for the creation of long-term jobs. Starting with our own education and vocational center in Benin, we are increasingly working with other countries in West Africa. The reconstruction of an independent and sustainable textile sector with clothing, fabrics and yarns MADE IN AFRICA will play an important role for the region in the coming years. To get people into good work and let African design shine again in all its originality, craftsmanship and cultural richness.
Our subject areas
News & Storys
Bus ahoy
Every morning, a bus collects our tailors and dressmakers at several collection points and brings them back there at 4 pm. We have opted for transport for two reasons: Most of the women and men cannot afford the cost of travelling there and back in the long term - and...
Rahma Confection
When the banner above the entrance to our production hall in Diourbel was unveiled, we were touched: Rahma Confection was written there in large letters - although it should be noted that Rahma doesn't just mean "mercy" and plays an important role in Islam. Rahma also...
Challenge accepted
The official kick-off for our project in Senegal took place at the beginning of May - and of course we were there with our people from Benin to provide the Senegalese trainers with help and advice. It was great to see how everyone pitched in. In just a few...
Our commitment in West Africa

Focus: Establishment and maintenance of our own training and vocational center for trainers in the tailoring trade in Bersingou.
Sponsor: THE PROJECT JUSTINE – train the trainer e.V. thanks to sponsors and supporters
Focus: Training of trainers in the tailoring trade. In addition, construction of a production facility for textiles.
Project partners: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and Karima Mbacké & Team, Diourbel
Focus: Training of trainers in the weaving trade. In addition, development of fabrics, patterns and prints.
Project partners: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and University of Education, Winneba
Focus: Establishment and maintenance of our own training and vocational center for trainers in the tailoring trade in Bersingou.
Sponsor: THE PROJECT JUSTINE – train the trainer e.V. thanks to sponsors and supporters
Focus: Training of trainers in the tailoring trade. In addition, construction of a production facility for textiles.
Project partners: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and Karima Mbacké & Team, Diourbel
Focus: Training of trainers in the weaving trade. In addition, development of fabrics, patterns and prints.
Project partners: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and University of Education, Winneba
THE PROJECT JUSTINE – train the trainer e.V.
The association is led by Rahmée Wetterich and Marie Darouiche, founders of the Munich fashion label NOH NEE. With the success of their internationally renowned Dirndl à l’ Africaine, the question of a suitable production location quickly arose: In which country, on which continent do we want to have our dresses made in the future? Under fair conditions and cooperation characterized by mutual interest, appreciation and respect. The search for a coherent answer led the founders to Benin in 2016 – even if production was initially out of the question. Not because there was a lack of seamstresses and tailors, but because there was no uniform understanding of how to sew trousers, a shirt or even a dirndl.
Today, THE PROJECT JUSTINE – train the trainer runs its own training and vocational center in the north of Benin, where young women and men learn the tailoring trade from scratch and grow up to become trainers. The commitment is bearing fruit. The first students are trained, pass on their knowledge to the next classes and are requested by neighboring countries due to their expertise. With the growing interest in West Africa as a production location for textiles, the need is evident everywhere: there is a lack of tailors who can process fabrics to a uniformly high standard, as well as a lack of trainers who can train and instruct. The first collaborations and partnerships are formed across national borders – always with the aim of creating long-term jobs.
We are grateful for the journey that lies behind us. And excited about the steps that will follow. Africa is on the move. We move with.
Team & Supporters
Our partners

- train the trainer e.V.
Agricolaplatz 7
80687 Munich
THE PROJECT JUSTINE - train the trainer e.V.
IBAN DE71 4306 0967 8237 2376 00
© THE PROJECT JUSTINE – train the trainer e.V.